
Reflective Post

 I'm After 10 weeks of studing in The Monfort Of University in Leicester. Is very hard time for Me. I driving all 4 days in my car from diferent city name Rugby 50 minutes time drive to the university. The most dificullt time in my life is right now whatever i can't find part time job witch is very important for Me because my student finance is very low .  I'm unployed long time it's not help for my mental helth because i need money to pay the rent for Flat and pay the bills... Most time after study I spend for searching a job that's why my self study in this term is not the best moreover I hope in the seckond term I find the job and everything back to normal. Never Give Up. Very like the lesson in the university i learn many usfull skills. Univerity give me de wings i fell I'm in good place there where I need to be. My First song wich I created for My Final Project Term 1 Digital Arts name '' Dramatic Future '' is veryy long proces. Make it arou

Final Project EP Cover Electro City Generation - Song - '' Around The Club ''

  Last EP Cover for Song '' Around The Club '' Still use Adobe Express to make them. Whatever this time i don't use any pictures just find something from Adobe Express. Still use te Flyer function to created EP Cover. Let's Start. This day use Template and searching engine  tap EDM to find My inspiration for the cover many interesing ready graphics. I chose one and would changing litle bit . Photo present change lirycs for My song name '' Around The Club ''  I delated original face from that themplates and add my original picuters. Also remove background from My pictures. Now I'm happy and ready to share it with My song to the SoundCloud and Website

Final Project Electro City Generation - Song - '' Around The Club ''

My last track “Around The Club” is part of the music I created for my digital art final project. The photo shows the main melody of the song. I've spent a lot of time creating this. Channel Rack has three plug-ins: Leads Nexus, Chords Nexus, and Piano Nexus. I added the Everysignle plug-in to the mixer to create effect sounds.  This is how is look All plugins with Kick&Bass. This is My sounds introduction. Very love it this content. Don't really have time to make fully song whatever is long procces for example My fully finish song is 40h spend on it.  The blue color is a Bass lane under is a Build Share make it song more energy. Drop is explosion ! Drop has kick&Bass sampel add it from my Sample folder .That is look My piece of Song Name '' Aroung The Club'' 

Final Project EP Cover Electro City Generation - Song - '' Vanishing Happines''

Once more, I would use an Adobe Express for this cover. I can use this free programme to create a cover of my song. I click the flyer in the first step and attempt to select a photo to make it.  On the platform, I stream. I used to create images for My Vivers, my primary account. simpler to remember me. I now alter this a little bit and use it as the EP cover.  I got already good pictures to use them. Text options i chose one of many and tap My music song also i change color from the nuts from black to the with whatever background is black thats why. Now is ready do download and add to the SoundCloud with song. This is how is looks My final EP Cover for Final project Digital Art name of song '' Vanising Hapinnes ''

Final Project '' Electro City Generation'' Vanishing Happiness - Final Project ~ 2 ( Piece of Music )

This song is called '' Vanishing Hapinnes '' This picture show Introduction melody are composed from 5 times plugin name Nexus 1. This is my The best plugin ever. I can find everything what i want in this plugin from chords , piano , leads , kicks , claps , share .  I've done the musical introduction, so it's time to add some kick and bass. This photo shows the kick and bass to the introduciton. A bass filter is also added to start from the lowest level to a higher one   This time add Build Up Share before drop. After that i will add a Refren melody.  How looks all plugins effect , equalizer , mixer. Under Pianno roll. Sasuge plugin is looks very funny I love it. It's make more energy with any sounds many times i recomended with mastering job that plugs. Drop Time ! Look how many plugins working toughether. Is not easy to make many diferent sounds working the same time and make it seanse. 3 Times Nexus1 and 3 times Sylenth 1 plugin. Leads , Bass , Chords. Al

Final Project EP Cover Electro City Generation - Song - Dramatic Future ''

  First step witch I does i open it a Adobe Express. I have experience form the study using that. I will create all my 3 covers on the Adobe Express. I chose Flyer to do it. In the flyer i Add it My pictures from Cornvall. I think is good photo to make a cover for my song .  This time need to do Text. I Chose one of free one and put on the top. In the text be my name of project name and song name. Now is ready to use to share it tougether with my song to the Sound Cloud and to my website. Final Advert look like this.

Final Project '' Electro City Generation'' First Song name '' Dramatic Future ''

Finally is the final project. There is My first song whith i created. From the beginning i open the music software FL STUDIO 20. In this post on first song i will explain how plugin are works and when is good point to use them Because is not point for me do it the same thing with another 2 song which i make it for final project for Digital Art Term 1 . Grab the cup of tea sit and watch how to building Electro House Music from the first step to the end. Can be long procces. Right now is time I click to Add and open a plugin name is Sylenth 1.This plugin is very helpful to make electonick sounds have many good samples. I very lovet this plugin. Used all the times with every single My project. This is how is looks like plugin SYLENTH 1. Many of Many useful controls from the samples like Arpeg , Distort , Chorus , EQ , Delay , Reverb , Compresor and many , many .. In Sylenth 1 i need to choose one from thousen samples. I choose number 026- HOV Straight. For now I leave without edyting. I w