In today's lesson on Creative Media Production, We have a good time going outside making Porrets pictures. This is the first time when I use a professional photographer camera Canon 700D EOS. I'm very impressed with how different it is making photos from a smartphone vs a professional camera. Nikon has extremely high-brightness lens this lens catches many sunlight and keeps it inside which is good for street photography pictures. This picture is Manogoraphy. Camera is very close to the model Billi. Try it make focus on face stay sharp whatever background is bloored to contrast the model. The lights coming from the higher left side hit it left side of Billi face giving extremely sharp quality Portret photography. 1. This picuters looks like make it for Cd cover. Backrounds is like water ilusion. Midle distanse with camera to make this pictures. Sunlight it s not realy strong coming fro...