Software Pratice Photoshop : Portfolio

 We are using Photoshop to create a portfolio introduction page based on my project's concept today. To start, I'll make a blank canvas that I can work on. I opened Photoshop and clicked on a file, which prompted a dialogue box. I selected A3 from the print menu at the top of the box. I then verified that 300 ppi was the resolution. High quality resolution is produced as a result. As I work on the films and photos, I then close the orientations as landscape.

Next, I included a picture from my desktop. You can open these by clicking on the file. I chose the top menu, clicked on all, then selected Edit from the menu, finally choosing Copy. After that, I clicked back on the canvas tab and selected Edit and Paste.

After adding my title, I selected the text button from the menu on the left and then clicked on the canvas. I then clicked on the font to change it.

I then created a logo of and used the brand name Music Production and i liked the tag line ..What You Think'' 

My final section is where I add the descriptions. I'm jotting down the process of creating my song "What You Think."For my descriptions, I set the font size to 48 points. Which software application did I use for that?  And to whom I turned for inspiration when writing my song. This is my project's introduction.


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