Reflective Post

 I'm After 10 weeks of studing in The Monfort Of University in Leicester. Is very hard time for Me. I driving all 4 days in my car from diferent city name Rugby 50 minutes time drive to the university. The most dificullt time in my life is right now whatever i can't find part time job witch is very important for Me because my student finance is very low . 

I'm unployed long time it's not help for my mental helth because i need money to pay the rent for Flat and pay the bills... Most time after study I spend for searching a job that's why my self study in this term is not the best moreover I hope in the seckond term I find the job and everything back to normal. Never Give Up.

Very like the lesson in the university i learn many usfull skills. Univerity give me de wings i fell I'm in good place there where I need to be.

My First song wich I created for My Final Project Term 1 Digital Arts name '' Dramatic Future '' is veryy long proces. Make it around 17hours without brake - all the time in the my home studio just couple brakes for toilet and for eating. Very happy from the resoults.

In the Future I have the plan make song in the Studio The Monfort of University ( The best Song from My life) I hope the whole world will hear it and be known for it. 


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